Joanna de Angelis is known as a spirit author and guide of the Brazilian Spiritist medium Divaldo Franco.
Joanna de Angelis, who has undertaken an educational, evangelical endeavor of the utmost quality, has been a collaborator of Jesus in her various reincarnations. The last one was in Salvador (1761 – 1822) as Sister Joana Angelica de Jesus, who was martyred for Brazil’s independence. In her next-to-last incarnation, she lived in Mexico (1651 – 1695) as Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz; she was the greatest poet in the Spanish language. She lived during the time of St. Francis of Assisi in the 13th century, and in the 1st century as Joana, wife of Cusa, a high-ranking official under Herod. She became a follower of Jesus, and later in her life she was burned alive beside her son and other Christians in the Colosseum in Rome. So far she has authored more than 60 works through the psychography of Divaldo Franco, 31 of which have been translated into eight languages, and five transcribed into Braille.
Besides these works, she has written thousands of beautiful messages. Sensitive topics are treated with beauty and appropriateness for the understanding of the apparent enigmas of reincarnation, proposing solutions for difficulties involving relationships, behavior and life itself.
Source: Leal Publisher