
Divaldo Pereira Franco was born on May 5, 1927 in Feira de Santana, in the interior of the State of Bahia, Brazil, where he is considered one of its most illustrious son. He is also known as one of today’s greatest  mediums and Spiritist speakers. On September 7, 1947, Divaldo and his faithful friend, Nilson de Souza Pereira, founded the Centro Espírita Caminho da Redenção (Path of Redemption Spiritist Center), and on August 15, 1952, they founded the Mansão do Caminho  (”In this context, the word Mansion does not have the connotation of a large stately house, but of a group of dwellings. – Tr”], which serves the whole community of the district of Pau da Lima in Salvador, helping thousands of sick and needy individuals. For sixty-three years, this medium and Spiritist speaker has been selflessly and joyfully dedicating himself to the ideal of spreading Spiritism, bringing hearts together and guiding them back to God. His persistence in his mediumistic work and his dedication to those in need of material and spiritual sustenance has shed a new light of faith and hope in the world. He has psychographed over 250 works with over 7 million copies sold and 104 titles translated into 16 languages. A true legacy of light.

Since 1947, he has given conferences throughout Brazil and 60 other countries in all five continents, with more than 12 thousand talks, to date. A veritable peace pilgrim, he brings the same passion and eloquence to big cities and small towns.

Peace & You Movement

In 1998, Divaldo launches the Peace & You Movement. The Peace & You MovementIt is an activity without a religious or political character, mobilized by the ideal of a peaceful experience among people, seeking to lead them to a deep reflection on the need for renewing feelings and changing behavior. With its first edition held in 1998 in Salvador, Bahia, Divaldo has visited the poorest neighborhood bringing his precious message of peace. Today the movement takes place in more than 75 cities worldwide, being present in 11 countries (such as Portugal, France, Spain, the U.S., Paraguay, etc.) with his urgent proposal of peace to all nations. In Brazil, it takes place in 56 cities of 11 states. In 2013, the event was launched at the UN headquarters in New York in April 2013.

A new era is dawning brightly through admirable achievements of fraternity, love and peace, among which Divaldo Franco’s blessed work stands out brilliantly, spreading with extraordinary love the sublime message of Spiritism to nearly every nation in the world, thus confirming Brazil’s mission as the Heart of the World, and the Gospel’s Homeland.

Published Books

  • More than 250 published works and 7.5 million copies consisting of 42,904 pages, 37,903 of which were written by the medium himself, the others having been written by other authors in books containing interviews and biographies.
  • 219 spirit authors in various literary genres such as poetry,short stories, novels, essays, narratives, chronicles and children’s books, with themes entailing philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, behavior, religion, etc.
  • 70 books translated into 16 languages: Albanian, German, Spanish, Norwegian, Esperanto, French, Dutch, Italian, English, Swedish, Czech, Turkish, Catalan, Hungarian, Polish and Russian, and 20 books transcribed into braille.
  • Messages written through Xenoglossia (Xenos = foreign, glossa = language), that is, in a language unknown to the medium, such as German, French, Italian, Spanish, English in reverse – mirrored – and Afrikaans;

The book Hacia las Estrelas (Towards the Stars), the first book written in a language other than the medium’s, was done fully by means of automatic writing in Spanish.


Source: Mansao do Cominho  and Leal Publisher