

It is the set of principles, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in Allan Kardec’s works, which constitute the Spiritist Fundamentals: The Spirits’ Book, The Mediums’ Book, The Gospel Explained by Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and The Genesis.

“Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world.” 

– Allan Kardec  (Taken from the Prologue  of the Book: What is Spiritism by Allan Kardec)
Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec - The Codifier of Spiritism HIPPOLYTE LÉON DENIZARD RIVAIL was born in Lyon, France, on October 3, 1804, in a traditional family, greatly distinguished in the legal profession and court system. He did not pursue those careers. From his youth, he was...

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Get to Know Spiritism

Get to Know Spiritism

What it is  “Spiritism is a science which deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationship with the corporeal world.” It is the set of  principles, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in  Allan Kardec’s works, which...

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Spiritist Principles

Spiritist Principles

To believe in:   One God who is all powerful, sovereignly just and good; The soul and its immortality; The pre-existence of the soul as the only justification for conditions of the present; The plurality of existences as a means of expiation, of reparation, and of...

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Spiritist Practices

Spiritist Practices

All Spiritist practices are gratuitous, following the orientation of the moral principle found in the Gospel: “Give for free what you receive for free.” Spiritism is practiced with simplicity, without any external forms of worship, within the principle that God should...

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Spiritist Movement

Spiritist Movement

The Spiritist Movement is the cluster of activities whose objective is the study, dissemination, and practice of the Spiritist philosophy, as contained in the basic works of Allan Kardec, placing it within the reach and at the service of all Humanity. * The activities...

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Spiritist Codification

Spiritist Codification

Around the year 1855, the spotlight focused on the subject of the manifestations of the Spirits, and Professor Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, later adopting the name "Allan Kardec", became dedicated to persevering on the observations of that phenomenon, and...

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Spiritism: Myths and Misconceptions

“Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason
face to face in every Human epoch.” – Allan Kardec

“To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again,
and constantly progress…”– Allan  Kardec