

Learn about some of the figures who have historically contributed to strengthening and disseminating Spiritism in the past two centuries.

Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec - The Codifier of Spiritism HIPPOLYTE LÉON DENIZARD RIVAIL was born in Lyon, France,...

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León Denis

León Denis

Leon Denis was born in a village called Foug, located in the surroundings of Tours , in France ,...

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Gabriel Delanne

Gabriel Delanne

Gabriel Delanne was one of the greatest disseminators of the reality of Spirit communication. He...

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Divaldo Franco

Divaldo Franco

Divaldo Pereira Franco was born on May 5, 1927 in Feira de Santana, in the interior of the State...

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Cairbar Schutel

Cairbar Schutel

Cairbar de Souza Schutel, son of Anthero de Souza Schutel and Rita Tavares Schutel, was born on 22...

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Auta de Souza

Auta de Souza

Auta de Souza, a famous Brazilian poetess, was born in Macaiba on September 12, 1876. She was the...

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Forerunners of Spiritism

William Crookes

William Crookes

“I am attacked by two very opposite sects – the scientists and the know-nothings. Both laugh at...

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Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce

Twentieth Century Psychic and Medical Clairvoyant  Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) has been called the...

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Alexander Aksakof

Alexander Aksakof

Imperial Councilor to the Czar, the pioneer spiritualist of Russia, a Swedenborg enthusiast whose...

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“Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason
face to face in every Human epoch.” – Allan Kardec

“To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again,
and constantly progress…”– Allan  Kardec