Learn about some of the figures who have historically contributed to strengthening and disseminating Spiritism in the past two centuries.
Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec - The Codifier of Spiritism HIPPOLYTE LÉON DENIZARD RIVAIL was born in Lyon, France,...
León Denis
Leon Denis was born in a village called Foug, located in the surroundings of Tours , in France ,...
Gabriel Delanne
Gabriel Delanne was one of the greatest disseminators of the reality of Spirit communication. He...
Camille Flammarion
Camille Flammarion was born in Montigny-Le-Roy, today known as Haute-Marne, France, on February...
Francisco C. Xavier
Francisco Cândido Xavier, or Chico Xavier, as he is known in Brazil , is considered the most...
Emmanuel (spirit)
Emmanuel is the name given by the Brazilian medium Chico Xavier to the spirit to which he...
Divaldo Franco
Divaldo Pereira Franco was born on May 5, 1927 in Feira de Santana, in the interior of the State...
Joanna de Angelis (spirit)
Joanna de Angelis is known as a spirit author and guide of the Brazilian Spiritist medium Divaldo...
Bezerra de Menezes
Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes Cavalcanti was born in "Freguesia do Riacho", today Solonopole, in...
Andre Luiz (spirit)
In his last life, he was a medical doctor and researcher, in the early 20th century. Today,...
Cairbar Schutel
Cairbar de Souza Schutel, son of Anthero de Souza Schutel and Rita Tavares Schutel, was born on 22...
Eusapia Palladino
Eusapia Palladino was born in Murga, Naples , on 31 January 1854 . Her mother died a few days...
Hernani Guimarães Andrade
Hernani Guimarães Andrade was born in 1913. He graduated in civil engineering from the University...
Auta de Souza
Auta de Souza, a famous Brazilian poetess, was born in Macaiba on September 12, 1876. She was the...
Amalia Domingo Soler
During the time in which the sun had not as yet set on the vast Spanish empire – that covered the...
Forerunners of Spiritism
Emanuel Swedenborg
Despite his obvious impact, Swedenborg’s name is still not well-known three hundred years after...
Andrew Jackson Davis
Andrew Jackson Davis is often referred to as the John the Baptist of Modern Spiritualism; for it...
William Crookes
“I am attacked by two very opposite sects – the scientists and the know-nothings. Both laugh at...
Edgar Cayce
Twentieth Century Psychic and Medical Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) has been called the...
Alexander Aksakof
Imperial Councilor to the Czar, the pioneer spiritualist of Russia, a Swedenborg enthusiast whose...
“Unshakable faith is only that which can meet reason
face to face in every Human epoch.” – Allan Kardec
“To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again,
and constantly progress…”– Allan Kardec